Friday, April 10, 2009

So far from home

Ed Reynolds, 39, engineer, from Pennsylvania is missing, feared dead, in the harsh New Zealand bush. Edward ReynoldsThough an experienced trekker, it was his first time in NZ so he wouldn’t have previously experienced the extreme changeability of NZ weather.

Ed was notified as missing by his American family after failing to make his flight out of NZ in late March. The last sighting of him was in late February when kiwi father and son trampers crossed paths with him.  He was in good spirits but they were worried he was travelling so lightly and warned him about the bad weather that was forecast. His bank account has not been touched since he went bush.

He’s in this area somewhere. Ada PassBad weather is continuing to hamper the search efforts. The fact that he was an ‘ultra light’ tramper (i.e one who travels with the absolute minimum weight of food and equipment) does not work in his favour.

Apparently the family are on their way here to be closer while the search continues. I sincerely hope they get to take their boy home with them. One way or another.


  1. These things rarely turn out well. Some folks enjoy the extreme life, living on the edge, and sometimes they pay for it with their lives. Sadly.

    However, we must hold onto hope until the last. I know if I had a loved one out there I'd hold out to the bitter end because you never know, and miracles do happen. Plus, human's have a way of beating the odds, and we prove it time and time again.

    God bless this fellow and his family, and the searchers looking for him.

  2. wow. :(
    I hope they find him.

  3. He should of taken heed of what the locals said they know the country far better and what to expect in the weather. Things do not look good for him.


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