Friday, August 14, 2009

Friday flowers

CornflowerCornflowers are some of my all time favourites. The city I live in has a wildflowers project and every spring wildflowers self sow (with a bit of help) on the median strips and on the sides of the motorways. Cornflowers are always a big part of the colourful mix. I enjoy the more casual and romantic look of the flowers rather than the boring uniformity of the mown berms. I’m looking forward to seeing the flowers start to take off in the next few weeks.


  1. So is Spring coming to your side of the world then? And then maybe that means we'll get some fall around here.

  2. These. combined with Queen Anne's Lace, always say Summer to me - thanks for sharing!

  3. How perfect is this timing - our flowers are getting to end of life so you can supply us with lovely pictures for the next few months.

  4. It occured to me today that blue flowers are rare in South Florida. Thanks for the photo.

  5. I should have scattered some seeds here earlier. I love these.


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