Sunday, September 13, 2009


It’s a long time since I woke up feeling the world was filled with possibilities. And not just for other people, but for me. It’s a great feeling though I must contain myself, not get ahead of myself.

It’s early days.

Green Shoots


  1. There's always possibilities, so true. The tricky part is about open ones senses and spot them.

  2. what a wonderful feeling. just as spring arrives :)

  3. sometimes as we get older, we forget that those opportunities are there. They are though, even when we don't remember and when we do, they make us feel very good ;-)

  4. There are always possibilities, but sometimes we get so wrapped up in minutiae that we cannot see them.
    Of course, with Spring springing down there--Fall is falling up here--the possibilities are endless.

  5. Pass some of that optimism this way, please!

  6. You're all so right - how did I get so cynical so as to think that opportunity had callously passed me by?

    I'll try DuPree though it's something I struggle with. Gladly intelliwench - help yourself.

  7. Never sensed callousness (is that a word?) from you. Love this outlook though -- you go girl whatever it is!!


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